The "Mediterranean Crouse"


When Invicta H.O.G. comes 

on the French Riviera...

May 25 - May 29 2000

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       The Story started in fact, 2 years earlier, in 1998:

        It is indeed, during the H.O.G. Interchapter, at the Belgian border, that the  Lorraine Chapter have met our friends from the other side of the channel.

        At the occasion of this meeting, they decided to meet again the same year in September, in England, where Paul invited them to one animated weekend at Canterburry. 

        To introduce you, most briefly as possible the Lorraine Chapter, I thought of this picture, taken in 1996 in Sturgis. No use to say that, to ride on Main Street like this, that one appreciates this or not, needs guts! You will understand well that by associating this particular humour that have our English fellow-members, with the one of the Lorraine Chapter, it had to work!


Cliquez sur la photo pour un agrandissement

(Click on the picture for an enlargement)



The third meeting was in Lorraine, from June the 11 to 13, 1999, for:

It is at this time that 

we have met them.

Click Here for the Graoully meeting

The Graoully


        Then, at the time of the European H.O.G. Rally in Cheltenham, GB (July 1 - 4, 1999) the idea to come to see us on the French Riviera was emitted. Idea which quickly became a reality. The date of the appointment was decided to be on May 25, 2000.

         The meeting point was established at the exit of the motorway, in order to guide the 54 guys from Invicta H.O.G. to the hotels, i.e. "le Village de Fabulite", in the Cap d' Antibes, and the Castel Mistral in Juan-the-pins. Those two places were going to accommodate them during these 4 days.

         Just enough time for a good bath, a cold drink and a little rest, and it is in a Taxi, yes, I know! I said a Taxi, that our friends went to Jean-Marie for the evening meal. No use to say that at first, we were surprised to see them in a Taxi, but in fact, it should be understood that the principal goal of their holidays is to have fun, and in all honor, they did not want to take a change in drinking and driving.

Click here for an enlargement

Cheltenham 1999

(Click on the picture for an enlargement)


The second day: Italy, Castelvittorio



        On the way to Italy, we stopped at the dealer in Nice: H-D Factory, for some souvenirs or parts.

        The road through the Italian mountain was pleasant. It prepared us to face the 40 dishes meal, elaborated by Jean Carlo!


        " Popeye ", from Invicta,   in company of Jean Carlo, the owner of the restaurant.

        The same evening , we had a Beach Party, with Dominique's band: VLB

       Next time that you will see him, ask him, what does VLB means!


The third day: Saint Tropez 

        On the way to Saint Tropez, we stopped by Cannes, where the 53 th  International Film Festival had just taken place (no red carpet!).  

        Tunisians who had a booth by the steps came to play some music for us.

        On the way back, we went to visit the dealer in Fréjus: Prestige Motorcycle, where a well appreciated "aperitif" was served.

        Back to Antibes, we had the surprise of an escort of the national police force. This enabled us to join downtown Juan-les-Pins, in no time. Touched by the kindness of these guys from the French National Police, a picture to memorize this event was essential...

Click here for an enlargement

(Click on the picture for an enlargement)

        The evening which followed unrolled in Texas Truck, where other Chapters of passage in the area had joined us there. But this time, it was in a bus that our friends of Invicta went there.

       One minute of carelessness of the driver, and our friends benefit from it to make a joke...

        This is without saying that this is not the real bus driver! But I think that you had guessed it!  

        During the evening, Paul gave us this commemorative plate.

       Unforgettable symbol of the visit from the Chapter.


Fourth day: Relaxation!  

        It was indeed a relaxed day, well deserved, on the beach or in the streets of Juan-the-pins for some shopping. Well, yes! On holidays, they is also the shopping. Fortunately that on the bike, we are very limited in space!!! This prevents us from buying things that will stay in the closet, once back home.


        Then, it is with a lot of emotion that they went back home...

        Many promised to meet again, on the road of the European H.O.G. Rally in Lloret de Mar, in Spain , or elsewhere...